The claims arise under motos insurance are divided  into two classes i.e. claim for own damages  and claims for third liability.  (A) CLAIMS FOR OWN DAMAGES: Own Damages arise which damage to the vehicle  is caused by the insured. These damaged  are generally caused by collision or over running of the vehicle. The settlement of claims for own damage is done in three phases, namely preliminary scrutiny  assessment of loss and settlement.  

 (a) PRELIMINARY SCRUTINY:  Immediately on occurrences of any accident or loss of or  a damage to the vehicle, the  insured has to serve a notice of a loss of the insurer. On receiving  the notice, the insurer will check his records to find out whether policy is in force or discontinued . Later, the loss is entered in claims  register and a claims form is sent to the insured to be filled up by him and to be returned  to the insurer. The insured is asked to give all  relevant   particulars in the claim form such as a date and time of accident cause of accident extent of damage to the vehicle  etc. The insured is also required to submit a detailed  estimate of repairs from any repairer of his choice. The insurer generally accepts the estimates. But at times he  asks for another estimate , Insurer does with this when it doubts the competence  moral hazard or business integrity of repairer first chosen.

  (b) ASSESSMENT: The insurer employs independent  automobile surveyors  to ascertain the cause of the accident and extent of loss sustained by the insured. The surveyors  are supplied a copy of a the policy , the claim form and repairer’s  estimate. They inspect the damage vehicle, discuss the cost of the repair or replacement with repairer and submit their survey report. In case of minor damage claims independent   surveyors is not appointed. The officials  of insurance company or its engineer inspect  and finalise the claim  report. 

 ( C ) SETTLEMENT: The surveyors  report is taken as a basis for settlements of claims. The report is examined  thoroughly  and settlements is made according to the recommendations  in the report. The usual practice is to authorize repairer. The repair receives a later from the insurer. The repairer will be given payment after completion  of repairs. The insured has go to give a satisfactions  note or voucher that he is hundred  percent satisfied with the repairs. In case the cost of repair paid by the insured, the latter can recover the amount from the insurer. For reimbursement of cost of the repair the insured has to produce  the letter receive from the repairer  with the insurer as an evidence for payment of cost of repair. Finally the insurer will pay the claim for cost of repair.

  (B)  CLAIMS  FOR THIRD PARTY LIABILITY: The third party liability arises  when a motor vehicle hurts a third party so as to cause damage to his property or his death or a personal  injury  to him. For settlement claims for third party liability the following procedure is generally adopted:  (1) ENTRY OF NOTICE:  As soon as the notice of claim is received  from any: the insured the third party, or the Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal (MACT)  the same will be entered in Claims Register. Date of intimation, claim number , Policy number data of accident. Vehicle number . MACT  number . Name of Insured, Driver and claimant, amount claimed etc are entered in the Claim Register. Separate sections are maintained in the register for fatal claims and bodily injury  claims