These techniques range from carrying a talisman or a lucky dollar to fortune tellers and star readers and ultimately to the multinational  financial  behemoths of insurance companies. Most business  in the past centuries have transformed some of their risks to insurance companies in exchange for a premium. Insurance companies in their search for  more business and more profits have hired  agents and brokers to sell more of their products  to more clients in exchange for a sizeable commission. It is only when business owners realized that the coast  of this distribution system and its inherent conflict  of interest did not work to their  advantage that the discipline  of risk management  came into its own right. The conflict  of interest comes from the fact that agents and brokers are paid by the insurance companies  to produce sales. Consequently they only solve risk problems through more insurance sales and  then only solve those that are problems.  that fit the available  products  of the insurance company ( ies ) they represent.    Risk management  as a discipline  is an objective look at all the risks a  business faces, evaluating  them, prioritizing them and solving them . For example providing protective footwear to your employees may be a much more practical  and cost effective manner to solve your problem than buying insurance for such risk.

With this realization and the ever increasing  demands from better educate  consumers and employees the business brought the management of their risk In house. They hired and trained professionals  who were on the payroll of the company rather than commission   driven marketing people to handle all aspects of their risks. When the broker industry saw their  business disappear they reacted by consolidating  ferociously  and repositioning  themselves  very often as risk consultants A professional  risk manager should be completely  independent from the insurance industry in order to be able to provide advice  and solutions which are in the best interest  of those they serve. This can be obtained by either bringing  the service  In house or hiring  consultants on a fee for service basis. Any risk manager worth their “Cup Of Tea”  should be able to earth this fee back for their employer client in a short time by improved protection and lower insurance costs.  The risk and insurance management Society based in New York is one of the most prestigious international organizations  in this field advocating the above principles. It celebrated its 50th Anniversary  this year. Their annual convention gathers some 15,000 people active in the international risk management business.

  DEFINATION OF RISK MANAGEMENT:  (1) CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL: “Risk management is a continuous process involving there current cycle of identifying   hazards and that lead to the risks occuring analyzing  the risk of an event and its profiling the risk in a respect of likelihood and impact controlling  the risk through action planning outcomes and monitoring the effectiveness of the control measures.  (ESSENTIALS OF RISK MANAGEMENT: The above definitions have brought to light a few essentials of an effective risk management . They are as a following:  (1) Risk must be identified before they can be measured and only after their impact  has been evaluated  can we decide on the most effective method of control. (2) The method of risk control should be economic . There are is no in spending Rs. 1,00,000 to control a risk which can only cost rs. 50,000, There will always be a point where spending on risk  control has to stop,  (3) The assets of the organization can be physical or human they are both important and risk management  must be seen to have a part to play in a  both . However risks do not strike at a sets but also play earning capacity of the enterprise.  (4) The principle of risk management  are just as applicable in the services sector as they are in the manufacturing  sector
and are of the equal  importance in the public and private sectors of the economy.

BENEFITS OFRISK MANAGEMENT: The following are some of the key gains from risk management “ (1) Reduces losses and costs due to risks. (2) Helps in anticipating problems before they impact a business . (3) Enhance profits.  (4) Eases out uncertainty by proactive systematic methods. (5) Ensures stability and target achievements. (6) Avoids litigation by taking preventive steps. (7) Improves efficiency in the organizations  by weeding out unplanned events and consequent loss of time and money.  (8) Improves  decision  making by understanding and systematic study of volatility and the opportunities  there from.  RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS: The process risk management  can be broken into five steps, namely:  (1) Setting the objectives of risk management . (2) Risk Identification. (3( Risk Impact analysis-evaluation or estimation (4) Risk Strategy
(a) Risk Reduction and avoidance. (b) Risk transfer. ( C ) Risk retention