Fire Insurance Policy Types

MEANING OF FIRE INSURANCE:. The Fire Insurance  shift the burden of fire losses from  their actual victims to all the members of the society. It is a co-operative device to share the loss. It relieves the insured from the horror of the fire losses to which he is exposed . The insurer undertakes ti indemnify the insured  against any loss due to fire caused to the property insured in considered  of premium paid by the insured. Thus fire insurance is the handmaid of the commerce as it is the concerned with the protection of capital  and business properties. Business properties like factory building, godowns finished and semi-finished goods and the like cannot be said to the be immune from fire risk. Protections of properties from fire is indispensable  for the continuity of any business. Fire Insurance provides  timely financial help in case of loss of insured  properties. It also provides for the consequential  loss including profit due to the interruption of business on occurrence of fire: 

DEFINITION OF FIRE : According to the above definitions  of fire insurance, the losses to the property by fire are covered. The meaning  of the word, Fire” should be clearly understood in order to make the insurer liable under the contract. For this purpose a fire  must satisfy  two condition : firstly  there must be actual fire or ignition: and secondly  the fire must be fortuitous  in its nature.  (1) IGNITION: The first condition requires that there must be actual fire or ignition. In a case Byles J. said “The  expression  in the policy  we have to construe  is loss or damages occasioned by fire”. These words are to be construed  as ordinary people would construe them. They mean loss or damage either by ignition  of the article consumed or by ignition  of part of the  premisses where the article  is: in the one of the case there is a loss, in the other a damage occasioned by fire”. Loss or damage caused by  excessive fire heat cannot be included in loss or damage by fire, All that is necessary  to prove in the case of Fire insurance is that the loss is caused by fire. The cause of fire is immaterial. Even if the fire is caused by the negligence of the servants of the insured or of himself, the loss is covered. Of course  there should be no fraud or wilful misconduct by the assured.  If the proximate cause of the loss or damage is fire, the insurer is responsible  but, if the loss occurs  not by the actual  ignition  but buy  a process resembling fire, it is not regarded  to be a loss by fire. For this reason  smoke damage which arises from a faulty chimney.  or from the scorching of articles  by overheated irons  or being  placed too near to the fire, does not fall within the scope of a fire policy. Loss or damages by explosion is not a  loss by fire. The word fire does not extend to chemical actions, which though they may correspond in this the effect to fire. do not result  in actual ignition. Similarly loss occasioned by lightning  without ignition  is not a loss by fire: but where lightning  results in the ignition  the loss caused by such ignition  is a loss  by fire and can be recovered from the insurer. 

FIRE SHOULD BE  ACCIDENTAL AND NOT INTENTIONAL: The second condition stipulates  that the fire should have been accidental and not intentional. Any loss caused by a fire lighted  purposely for some use is not a loss by fire it is was intended. But there when property is accidentally burned in an ordinary fire, such as a domestic fire, the loss is covered even if they the fire remains under control. Here something is burned which might not to have burned. Similarly when a  fire is purposely lighted  but later on it escapes control and causes loss to the property the loss is a loss by fire and is recoverable under the contract..