How Many Types of Business Isurance

1. BURGLARY INSURANCE: This insurance indemnifies the insured against  loss or damage to any kind of movable property  like, stock-in-trade, plant & machinery, fixtures fittings etc. In the business premises so long as these are reasonably  protected. The  insurance may be extended  to cover  cash or valuable  in strong rooms of banks and safe deposits  and safes other than banks.

 SUM INSURED: As only stocks are casually  covered under this type of policy, the market  value of the safes other than stocks held should  be furnished  as the sum to be insured.  SCOPE OF COVER: The  insurance cover loss or damage to property by theft following burglary or house breaking which means that to establish a claim there must be visible signs of felonious  entry or exit from the  premises by violent and forcible means. Damages to properties falling to be borne by the insured is also covered subject to a maximum of 5% of the total sum insured. 

TYPES OF POLICIES: (1) DECLARATION POLICY: This type of policy is issued in case of fluctuating stock and where large handling of stocks is involved during the year which are at number of locations . It is issued on the same lines as fire declarations policy. (2) FIRST LOSS INSURANCE POLICY: This is an exception  to the normal procedure of providing  insurance for the value. This type of the policy is loss subjected to the partial average  clause according to which if at the time of a loss the actual value of the  property exceeds the total value declared to the insurer then the liability of the insurer in respect of the loss is restricted in the same proportion as the declared total value bears to the actual  total value. The insurer’s maximum liability will be restricted to the first loss amount to be chosen by then the insured. Usually minimum first loss percentage is expected to be 25 % of the total value at risk.   2. CASH /MONEY (IN TRANSIT) INSURANCE:( C ) Assault risks to unnamed cash carrying messengers and or employees. (d)  Terrorism. 
  3. FIDELITY  GUARANTEE INSURANCE: This insurance protects  the interests of the employers and businessmen  who apprehend financial loss due to fraudulent or dishonest  conduct of their employees Its basis originates from an employer and employee or a fiduciary relationship where confidence or trust reposes a crucial part.

 TYPES OF FIDELITY INSURANCE POLICIES: (1) INDIVIDUAL POLICY: It is used where only one individual  is to be guaranteed. (2) COLLECTIVE POLICY: It is used in the entire staff or an a  number of selected  individual  are to be covered. (3) FLOATING POLICY: It is an extension  to the collective form of contract in which the names and duties of the individual to be covered are inserted  in a schedule  but instead of individual’s amount of guaranteed a specified sum of guaranteed is floated on the whole group. (4) BLANKET POLICY: It covers the entire staff without sharing names or positions. No enquiries  about the employees bare made by the insurers. Such policies are suitable  are suitable for an employer who has a large staff and the organization  to make adequate enquiries  into the  antecedents of employees.   4. NEON SIGN INSURANCE: This insurance is  designed to cover fro glow sign installation against loss or damage to the installation  or any part there of by accidental  external means, fire, lighting  external explosion or theft  etc. But loss due to fusing  or burning out of the any bulbs or tubes arising  from any mechanical or electrical  defects are not covered under this insurance. Even the loss or cost due to following reasons are also not covered under this insurance: (a) Nuclear risks. (b) Earthquake, flood and other natural   calamities. ( C ) Riot, strike and civil commotion. (e) Damages to tubes unless the glass is fractured. (f) Over running, overheating or strain. (g) Atmospheric  condition and . (h) Consequential loss.     

5. JEWELLERS BLOCK INSURANCE: This scheme covers all types of risks relating to jewellery  and jeweller can take an insurance of all jewellery which is in possession, whether that is for sale or belongs to customers or kept for cleaning   or repair etc. The risk covered under this insurance is divided into four sections: SEC 1: Loss of or damage to property while All risks cover whilst the property  insured is in the custody of the insured hi/her partners his employees  directors sorters of diamond.  SEC-3: All risks cover whilst such property is in transit  by registered  parcel post and Air Freight, SEC -4: Cover for trade and office furniture and fitting in the premises  against the risks specified in section 

  6. DUTY INSURANCE: This insurance is generally  taken by the importer to cover the payment of actual duty on the imported goods. When imported cargo arrives in India, certain duty is leviable by the custom   authorities. This duty can be insured either by  including it in it the marine  cargo policy’s sum insured or by purchasing  a separate duty policy. It forms a  apart of a cargo policies and also agreed value policies  but the  claim is payable 75% of the assured claim.   7.  SHOPKEEPERS INSURANCE: This insurance has been designed to cover various risks and contigencies  faced by small shopkeepers  under a single policy. It provides protection for property and interests  of the insured and his partners in the shop. The shop premises must conform to specification of class A construction as per fire tariff.  The shops where value at risk including the value of the building if owned by the insured is not exceeding Rs. 10 Lakhs at any time during the insurance policy year are eligible  to buy this policy. The insurers would not permit this policy in case the value of stock is more than 10 Lakhs at the time of taking insurance or is likely to exceed this limit any time during  the period  of insurance.