The Fund or  reserve is the liability of the company  towards the policy holders and the company invests  it to earn the   assumed interest  . The Fund  is not an extra  amount  to meet contingencies , but it represent the accumulated  liabilities  of the insurer to wards  policy holder  and it is a  to be a kept as  trust money. The supreme  consideration  in the investment  of life Fund is to preserve the interests  of the policy holder. It is a basic that in handling  trust funds, the  trustee shall in no way profit  personally  there from. Every effort  should be made to protect  the  assets  of life insurance assurance from any element  of fluctuations, wide swings in market value, losses growing out of the sale of security on an u unfavourable market and speculation for profits. Great care has to be taken in selecting suitable channels of investments and supervising them. Life insurance companies  keep organized departments  to handle the tremendous  volume of business occasioned by the investment  of reserve funds. Experts are constantly the market outlet  for funds and, through an analysis of economy and financial condition are able to forecast investment trends. However  the life insurance company officers must observe complete good faith and should  formulate an investment plan in conformity with the following canons of investment.

  (1) SAFETY AND SECURITY: The investment should comprise  the permanent integrity of the capital so as to avoid so as to avoid the violent and frequent  in the value of securities. Accordingly  every insurer carrying on the business of life insurance is required to invest the life fund in the following manner:  At least 25% in Govt. securities. Another 25% either in Govt. securities or other approved securities. Another 35% in the approved securities such as a  immovable property preference, equity shares, etc., Another 15% investment in other invested  in such a way that they may be readily convertible whenever claims are payable. To ensure that they are may the proper degree of liquidity , investments, are so made that the maturities will occur at intervals adjusted to meet the needs of a maturing policies. As a provision against sudden to demand  for surrender values or policy loans, the insurer may keep a part of the fund in cash or in a such securities which can be realized quickly and without loss. This could be used to meet a sudden contingency or to avail of an exceptional investment opportunity. 

  3.  PROFITABILITY: The insurer must earn at least the assumed rate of a interest other wise  there will be a loss. The investments should be a made in a such securities  which can be yield the highest  return but not at the cost of the  safety. It has been realized that safety and profitability are opposed to each other and so a fair and a true  balanced policy of the  investment should be a observed.  4. DIVERSIFICATION: The investment of the funds should be diversified . It means spreading over investment among different classes of securities so that risks and return are adjustments . The diversification  can be according to time factor . It provides  maximum security and yields and an efficient rate of return. So the principle of “  not” having all the eggs in one basket: should be adopted.   5.  AID TO LIFE BUSINESS: The funds should be invested  in those  projects or activities which may provide more employments opportunities  and may also increase the standard of living of the people so that the insurer  can get the benefits of the lower mortality rate and increase in new business